Thursday, November 28, 2013

Subject of the day...

Nyan cat!

                               In this post I will be thinking about cats......Hmmm...Cats......All different kinds of cats! Did you know that there are no male tortoise shell cats?!
And That some cats enjoy swimming?!
There are grumpy cats!
   And there are happy cats!    

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I had fun!

I went to a park, and did not bark.
I went down the slide, and tried to hide!
I slipped my collar, and ran from the holler.
I went on a swing, what a funny thing!
I sat on a duck, what luck.
I went home, sat on my throne,
 went to bed, lay down my head,
started to snore, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................